Tag: M&A

M&A Insight #3 For Background Screeners

Nugget #3: I am writing to share a gift with you. HINDSIGHT The ONE Thing You Can Do TODAY to Ensure Business Success Tomorrow When the time comes to sell your business will you be totally satisfied/happy or frustrated/regretful? Much of what I do with M&A transactions is to ensure owners are set up for success […]

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Berg Consulting Group Acts as Intermediary in Sale of S.O. Screening

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., Aug. 11, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Berg Consulting Group is proud to announce their intermediary work for the sale of “S.O. Screening” a pre-employment screening company. Both the owner of “S.O. Screening” and the owner of the acquiring company are extremely happy with the transaction.  Interestingly enough, the owner of this decidedly small CRA wanted to […]

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