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Because of Bruce Berg’s extensive background in operations and cost optimization, much of our focus has been in the area of cost management. We fully understand and are committed to the philosophy that cost, quality and turnaround time are all “first amongst equals”. In other words, the CRA must have a very high level of quality but if the costs are too high this prevents them from being competitive; likewise if the quality is high and the cost is low but the turnaround time is too long (more than 24 hours), then that source is less acceptable. Lastly, a low cost is great but it is useless if you don’t obtain the required quality and turnaround time.

This philosophy is what built Bruce’s background screening company and has been the basis for all the services we offer, emphasizing lower cost solutions but only with a quality level and turnaround demanded in today’s marketplace.

Our Premier Program to help CRAs fulfill this need was our Better Vendor Program. We went out and negotiated a very low cost with hundreds of field researchers that could deliver the quality and the turnaround time and then vetted them to assure all this was in place. We then brought them significant volume from CRAs of all different sizes and they continue to do a great job because they know they risk losing all the business we have brought them if they let any one of our clients down. Plus, we don’t charge them anything for bringing them this volume. We just hold them to the highest level regarding quality, turnaround and cost requirement and they are happy to comply. We are their free marketing arm. This program is supported by our web tool (Better Vendor Manager) which shows the CRA our recommendations and the savings associated with each, and their status of each recommendation. A very powerful program endorsed by our very happy clients.


Call us today to share your challenges and discuss ways for you to overcome them.